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DJ Utopia There Promo CD

Record #1831

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Credits Added By GTC  Designed By Jesse James <
Artwork Details Date Created 05/ 29/2001  File Type PSD  Product Dimension 4.75x4.75 Inches  Resolution 300dpi  Pixels Dimension  1425x1425  File Size  19.56 MB
Category CD Insert  Electronic Dance  Music  Trendy 
Tags abstract  live  4.75 x 4.75  digital  enjoy  there  dj utopia  celebrating 8 years of moving the crowd  this cd was done 100  there was no planning  practicing  or pre  rehearsing organizing or  previous thought into the traxs  put on this cd  it was done pure  freestyle the way things were  meant to be  there were no  use of computers on the mix  in any part  utopia believes  that with a promo cd it should  be an accurate representation  of how he will sound live  www.djutopia.com  800.656.8763  858.623.9829  3d  grid  code 
Usage Inspiration
Front Body Copy Dj Utopia Celebrating 8 years of moving the crowd there
Back Body Copy Dj Utopia Celebrating 8 years of moving the crowd This CD was done 100% live. There was no planning, practicing or pre-rehearsing organizing or previous thought into the traxs put on this CD. It was done pure freestyle the way things were meant to be. There were no use of computers on the mix in any part. Utopia believes that with a promo CD it should be an accurate representation of how he will sound live. Enjoy there www.djutopia.com 800.656.8763 858.623.9829
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