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Elect Karl White

Record #6957

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Credits Added By GTC  Designed By ClubFlyers  Client Karl White <
Artwork Details Date Created 09/ 24/2008  File Type PSD  Product Dimension 6x4 Inches  Resolution 300dpi  Pixels Dimension  1800x1200  File Size  19.23 MB
Category Georgia  Political  Postcards 
Tags white  p  o  6 x 4  family  business  member  conference  man in suit  visit  father  online  representative  karl  man smiling  as your  elect karl  with a k  for our future  school board  i commit to  minister  presenter  effectuate positive  change in our schools  elevate standards in  educational curriculum  engage the community to  improve the system  www.karlwithak.org  community leader  smoke rise elementary school council  creator and manager of youth lifeskills  program with dekalb county juvenile  court  presenter for the samuel dewitt proctor  presenter for the teen leadership  summit  presenter emory university leadership  volunteer today  donate to the campaign  or by mail  invite your neighbors to visit with  karl at your home  post a yard sign at your home or  make phone calls to your friends  and neighbors  distribute campaign materials  host karl at your church or  group meeting  good schools  good communties  increased property values  decreased crime rates  improved business presence  paid for by committee to elect karl  box 2073 tucker ga 30085  2073 phone  770.931.9752  group picture 
Usage Inspiration
Front Body Copy Elect KARL “with a K” for our Future! as your School Board Representative, I Commit To: Father Minister Presenter .Effectuate Positive Change in our Schools .Elevate Standards in Educational Curriculum .Engage the Community to Improve the System Visit: www.karlwithak.org
Back Body Copy Karl “with a K” White, Community Leader . Smoke Rise Elementary School Council Member . Creator and Manager of Youth LifeSkills Program with Dekalb County Juvenile Court . Presenter for The Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference . Presenter for the Teen Leadership Summit . Presenter Emory University Leadership Conference Volunteer Today! . Donate to the Campaign, online or by mail . Invite your neighbors to visit with Karl at your home . Post a Yard Sign at your home or business . Make phone calls to your friends and neighbors . Distribute Campaign materials . Host Karl at your church or group meeting Good Schools = Good Communties Increased Property Values Decreased Crime Rates Improved Business Presence Paid for by Committee to Elect Karl “with a K” P.O. Box 2073 Tucker Ga 30085-2073 Phone: 770.931.9752
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