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Karpio and Facchini Gallery at Mynt Lounge

Record #5897

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Credits Added By GTC  Designed By ClubFlyers  Client Mynt Lounge <
Artwork Details Date Created 12/ 13/2013  File Type PSD  Product Dimension 7x5 Inches  Resolution 300dpi  Pixels Dimension  1750x1250  File Size  8.63 MB
Category Art Gallery  Artists  Electronic Dance  Events  Florida  Miami Beach  Mynt Lounge  Postcards 
Tags miami beach  www  com  painting  for table reservations please call  7 x 5  simple  dj julian ingrosso  1921 collins avenue  myntlounge  786.276.6132  karpio  facchini gallery  requests the honor of your presence  to join artists  cinthya soto and lydia dona  as they celebrate their love for art  friday december 2nd 2oo5  113opm  music by dj julian ingrosso  tito in the main lounge  soulman in the back room  DJ Soulman  artwork 
Usage Inspiration
Back Body Copy Karpio + faccHini gallery requestS the honor of your presence to join artists CInthYa Soto and Lydia Dona as they celebrate theIR love for art Friday December 2nd 2OO5 . 113OPM Music by Dj Julian Ingrosso, Tito in the main lounge Soulman in the back room for table reservations please call 786 276 6132 1921 COLLINS AVENUE . MIAMI BEACH WWW.MYNTLOUNGE .COM .
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