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Seeking Miami Natives

Record #7239

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Credits Added By GTC  Designed By ClubFlyers  Client Tracey Hagen <
Artwork Details Date Created 11/ 11/2008  File Type PSD  Product Dimension 6x4 Inches  Resolution 300dpi  Pixels Dimension  1800x1200  File Size  25.71 MB
Category Art  Family and Kids  Florida  Miami  Postcards 
Tags kids  www  she  6 x 4  695  dentist  3o5  friends  pictures  news paper  black and white picture  desperately seeking miami natives  was dr  jerry hagen aka painless hagen your childhood  tracey hagen can transform you into a work of art  has a childhood photograph of you or your relatives  past patients please contact tracey hagen to identify  yourself to become part of her historical art project  9288 or info  pages  memory  dentist chair 
Usage Inspiration
Front Body Copy DESPERATELY SEEKING MIAMI NATIVES . . . Was Dr. Jerry Hagen aka Painless Hagen your childhood dentist? Tracey Hagen can transform you into a work of art. She has a childhood photograph of you or your relatives & friends. Past patients please contact Tracey Hagen to identify yourself to become part of her historical art project @: 3O5.695.9288 or
Back Body Copy DESPERATELY SEEKING MIAMI NATIVES . . . Was Dr. Jerry Hagen aka Painless Hagen your childhood dentist? Tracey Hagen can transform you into a work of art. She has a childhood photograph of you or your relatives & friends. Past patients please contact Tracey Hagen to identify yourself to become part of her historical art project @: 3O5.695.9288 or
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