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Soundwave Sundays at Gables Pub

Record #3486

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Credits Added By GTC  Designed By ClubFlyers  Client Gables Pub <
Artwork Details Date Created 08/ 31/2001  File Type PSD  Product Dimension 5.5x4.25 Inches  Resolution 300dpi  Pixels Dimension  1650x1275  File Size  61.30 MB
Category Bars Lounges  Casual  Coral Gables  Florida  Flyers  Gables Pub   Rock 
Tags water  florida  lines  21  5.5 x 4.25  wood  sept  bigfish  productions presents  bands  beer  bbq  gables pub  between ponce de leon  coral gables  s o u n d w a v e sundays  8pm  be  270 catalonia  lejeune  south of miracle mile  9th  the tribe  the monjees  16th  southern oracle  faller  trotsky  s revenge  para  23rd  devinim  sons of you  stopmotion  special guests  30th  live issues  dolly rocker  future ex  piddy korn  bet  lejeune305  305.476.1105  school  cartoon  illustration  miller lite logo  soundwave 
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